
I. 目的

A. Anne Arundel 社区 College (“College”) recognizes the value of flexible work arrangements, 包括 telework and alternative work schedules and arrangements, to meet the needs of our students and employees; to recruit and retain employees; to increase job satisfaction; to assist in efforts to improve the environment and traffic congestion through reduction of travel by eligible employees; and to comply with applicable law.

B. Anne Arundel 社区 College (“College”) recognizes that the flexible work arrangements may be mutually beneficial to employees and the College when the nature of the employee’s work, the College’s business and operational needs, 员工的技能和能力表明,允许员工利用灵活的工作安排符合学院的最佳利益.

II. 适用范围及适用性

A. This Policy applies to professional and support staff; administrative staff; and contractual employees.

B. 本政策仅适用于临时员工,如果临时员工的工作描述中明确指出该职位有资格获得灵活的工作安排.

C. 教师

1. 对于全职和兼职教师来说,在校园和其他地方以不同的时间表开展工作是一种公认的做法.

2. 教员 are not required to enter into a formal Telework or Alternative Work Agreement, as set forth below and in the applicable Procedures.

3. 教员, 然而, are subject to the requirement to work in an Approved State, 定义如下, must comply with the Information Security Telework Guidelines, 并且必须遵守本政策的规定和附带的程序,如果明确规定该规定适用于教师.

4. 教职员工可能会根据本政策和远程工作程序接受强制性远程工作.

D. 本政策不适用于根据《最全菠菜网》提出的灵活工作安排的合理要求. Such requests should be submitted to the Office of 人力资源, using forms available upon request.

3. 定义

A. Alternative Work Schedule Application and Agreement means a written 文档 that details the terms and conditions for an Eligible Employee to participate in an Alternative Work Schedule that is signed by the Eligible Employee, 主管, and the Second Level Supervisor, 并由HR维护.

B. 替代工作时间表包括在替代工作时间表程序中定义的灵活工作时间表.

C. 批准州是指学院允许员工在远程办公程序中规定的远程办公地点工作的美国境内的州.

D. 学院地点是指学院在其拥有的财产上分配给员工的通常和习惯的工作地点, 租赁, 或由书院管理.

E. College Officer means the President or a Vice President.

F. Eligible Employee means a College employee who holds or has been hired for a position at the College that includes job duties determined by the employee’s Supervisor and Second Level Supervisor to be 合适的 for a 灵活的工作 Arrangement in accordance with the applicable Procedure.

G. 灵活的工作 Arrangement includes Alternative Work Schedules and Telework.

H. HR is the Office of 人力资源.

I. 信息安全远程工作指南是关于远程工作和远程工作时使用信息和教学技术的一般规则.

J. OSHA means the Occupational Safety and Health Act and related regulations.

K. Overtime means the hours worked over forty (40) hours in a workweek by a non-exempt employee.

L. 程序是指远程工作程序和替代工作计划程序的统称.

M. Second Level Supervisor is the College employee to whom 主管 directly reports. 对于直接向副总裁汇报的员工,总裁是第二级主管. 对直接向董事长汇报的员工,董事长为二级主管.

N. Supervisor is the College employee to whom the employee directly reports.

O. Telework means to perform job duties and responsibilities at an approved Telework Location. 远程办公的类型包括:

1. Regular Telework means to Telework on a regular, 反复出现的基础, 包括 up to five (5) days per week or part of each workday, which has been memorialized in a Telework Agreement signed by the Eligible Employee, 主管, and the Second Level Supervisor, 并由HR维护.

2. 情境远程办公 means Telework that is approved by an employee’s Supervisor on a case-by-case basis for a limited period of time and is confirmed in writing but does not require a Telework Agreement or approval by HR. Instances in which 情境远程办公 may be approved include, 但不限于, in order to maximize productivity when the employee’s availability may be impacted by personal appointments; short-term illness that prevents the employee from coming to work at a College Location; special work assignments; or operational needs.

3. 强制远程办公是指由学院官员或主管分配给员工的远程办公, 员工群体, 或所有员工,并以书面形式确认,但不需要远程工作协议或人力资源部门的批准. Instances in which Mandated Telework may be appropriate include, 但不限于, inclement weather; natural disasters; pandemics, 流行, or other public health emergencies; emergency situations regarding health and safety; government orders; incidents that result in College closure; unforeseen incidents; or operational needs.

P. Telework Application and Agreement is a written 文档 that details the terms and conditions for an Eligible Employee to Telework at an approved Telework Location that is signed by the Eligible Employee, 主管, and the Second Level Supervisor, 并由HR维护.

Q. 远程办公地点是指传统办公环境或符合条件的员工通常和习惯工作地点以外的地点, 包括 但不限于, the Eligible Employee’s home, 卫星办公室, 或者远程办公中心, and has been approved in accordance with the 远程程序.

R. Written or in writing means in the form of a letter, 文档, 电子邮件, or electronic communication or transmission.

IV. Participation in 灵活的工作 Arrangements

A. 灵活的工作 Arrangements may not be 合适的 for all employees, job classes, and/or positions.

1. 希望签订弹性工作安排的员工必须遵循适用的程序.

2. 学院将根据适用程序中建立的资格标准确定员工是否为合格员工.

3. With the exception of Situational and Mandated Telework, 灵活的工作 Arrangements for an employee must be approved, in advance of the planned start date, by 主管 and the Second Level Supervisor.

a. 灵活工作安排必须按照适用程序在远程工作申请和协议和/或替代工作申请和协议中进行记录.

b. Telework Agreements and/or Alternative Work Agreements must state that the agreement will be governed by Maryland law and any claims arising out of the Eligible Employee’s employment relationship with the College or arising out of the agreement may only be enforced in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Maryland.

c. A faculty member’s Telework Location is presumed to be the faculty member’s home address on file with HR unless the faculty member informs 主管 and HR that the faculty member will Telework from another location within an Approved State.

4. 情境远程办公 for an employee must be approved, in advance of the scheduled work time, by 主管 and must be confirmed in writing in accordance with the 远程程序.

5. 强制远程办公必须由学院官员或主管指导,并且必须根据远程办公程序以书面形式确认.

6. Unless a 灵活的工作 Arrangement is a condition of employment, 灵活的工作 Arrangements are a privilege, not an employee benefit or entitlement.

7. 雇佣条件

a. 一般, participation in a 灵活的工作 Arrangement is the subject of mutual agreement between the College and the employee; 然而, 灵活的工作 Arrangements may be a condition of employment for certain positions, based on the College’s business and operational needs.

b. If a 灵活的工作 Arrangement is a condition of employment for a position, HR will include a statement regarding the type of 灵活的工作 Arrangement that is a condition of employment in the advertisement for the position and in the position job description.

B. 参加灵活工作安排的合格员工必须遵守所有学院政策, 程序, 规则, 手册, 和手册, 包括, 但不限于, those regarding confidentiality; disclosure of information; conflict of interest; and acceptable use of information technology resources.

C. The Vice President of Information and Instructional Technology will maintain Information Security Telework Guidelines to ensure the adequacy of information and security protection for information and information systems and that meet or exceed the minimum standards required by law.

1. An employee who participates in a Telework Agreement, 情境远程办公, or Mandated Telework must comply with the Information Security Telework Guidelines.

2. A faculty member who performs job duties outside of a College Location must comply with the Information Security Telework Guidelines and the Telework Location restrictions set forth below and in the 远程程序.

D. 远程办公地点

1. 远程办公地点 must be in the United States and are limited to the Approved States.

2. 参与远程办公的合格员工必须证明远程办公地点是安全的, 合适的, and secure work space that is free from distraction and meets applicable health and safety laws, 包括 但不限于, OSHA, in accordance with the 远程程序.

a. The College reserves the right to inspect the Telework Location.

b. 如果员工在远程办公地点存在健康和安全问题,学院保留终止远程办公的权利, 包括教师.

3. A Supervisor may require an Eligible Employee or faculty member to report to a College Location or other location as needed for work-related meetings or other events in accordance with the applicable Procedure.

V. Classification, Compensation, Benefits, and Job Duties

A. The Eligible Employee’s classification, 补偿, 好处, 工作状态, and job duties will not change due to the participation in a 灵活的工作 Arrangement.

B. 符合条件的员工预计每个工资期的工作时间不会因参加弹性工作安排而改变.

C. Non-exempt employees who participate in 灵活的工作 Arrangements are responsible for working the agreed-upon hours per week and may not work more than forty (40) hours per workweek and may not earn Overtime or be granted compensatory time without advance written approval from 主管.

D. 工作职责的安排必须不改变合格雇员工作的基本职能或损害所提供的服务水平, either by the employee or the department.

E. 灵活工作安排的批准并不意味着任何员工在以后担任同一职位时都将被授权采用灵活工作安排.

F. 如果得到批准, a Telework Application and Agreement or Alternative Work Application and Agreement will govern the terms and conditions of the 灵活的工作 Arrangement only and in no way constitutes an employment contract or changes the at-will nature of the employment relationship.

G. 弹性工作安排不允许雇员从事其他工作或经营自己的企业.

H. 灵活的工作 Arrangements are not to be used as a substitute for child care, 照顾老人, or other caregiving obligations.

VI. Modification, Suspension, or Termination of a 灵活的工作 Arrangement

A. Except for 灵活的工作 Arrangements that are a condition of employment, 符合条件的员工可随时根据适用程序发出书面通知,终止参与弹性工作安排.

B. 学院可以修改, 暂停, 或根据适用程序通知终止弹性工作安排.

C. The College may impose disciplinary action, up to and 包括 termination, if an employee or faculty member fails to comply with the College policies, 程序, 规则, 手册, or handbooks; fails to comply with the applicable Procedure, Information Security Telework Guidelines, or Telework or Alternative Work Application and Agreement; fails to report to work, as directed by 主管; works outside of an Approved State without permission; fails to fulfill normal work requirements due to other employment; has caregiving obligations or an outside business that prevent them from focusing on work during agreed-upon work hours; and/or for other appropriate reasons related to a 灵活的工作 Arrangement.

7. 记录

HR负责维护远程办公协议和替代工作协议的记录以及修改, 悬浮液, and terminations of such agreements as part of an Eligible Employee’s personnel record.

政策的标题: 弹性工作政策

政策类别: 人力资源

政策的所有者: Vice President of Learning Resources Management

策略管理员: Executive Director of 人力资源

联系信息: Suzanne Boyer; 410-777-2425; humanresources@whqlhg.com

批准日期: 2023年6月13日

有效日期: 2023年7月1日

历史: 本政策及远程办公程序取代并取代二月采纳的远程办公政策, 于2006年3月修订, 2014.
Applies to All College employees, 包括全职员工, and administrators; part-time staff and administrators; contractual employees; and temporary employees (if the temporary employee’s job descriptions specifically states that the position is eligible for a 灵活的工作 Arrangement); Certain portions of this Policy apply to faculty members, 如上所述.

相关政策: N/A


形式/指南: Information Security Telework Guidelines

相关法律: Md. 代码,圣. 珀耳斯. & 笔., § 2-308
Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C. § 651 et. seq.
Fair Labor and Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. § 201, 节.
Family Medical Leave Act, 29 U.S.C. § 2601, et. seq.
Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12101, et. seq.
COMAR 09年.12.20.01 et. seq.