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如果你想帮助别人,同时为国家和全球社会的安全和整体福祉做出贡献, 你可能会考虑最全菠菜网院备受推崇的执法和刑事司法专业.

你将在现任和前任刑事司法专业人士的指导下接受培训, who have expertise ranging from local, 州和联邦执法部门的军事情报分析. And you’ll be in good company. 各级执法机构,如马里兰州交通管理局警察, 国土安全部和运输安全管理局都派出了他们的员工 Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute for training for more than 10 years.

我们灵活的课程也提供在线、白天和晚上的机会. Through your hard work, determination and desire to contribute to a greater good, 你将准备好在工作中有所作为,或者转到四年制的学院或大学.

Career Degrees

AACC offers the following Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees. The state of Maryland refers to the A.A.S. 作为一个职业学位,因为它旨在为你提供进入劳动力市场的技能. In some cases, AACC已经签订了转学协议,允许这些学位转学到选定的大学. A list of active agreements may be found on this website. You can also learn more about transferring from AACC to continue your education.

Cybercrime, A.A.S.

您将获得有关网络犯罪预防的深入知识, criminal investigation and evidentiary presentation. 你将为进入职场或承担更多责任和升职做好充分准备. 如果你想转到四年制大学,你还需要完成许多通识教育要求.


Forensic Police Science, Forensic Studies, A.A.S.

通过法医学课程,您将获得刑事司法和法医学领域的广泛背景, homicide, criminal law and more. 你现在就可以开始你的职业生涯,或者转到四年制大学.


Forensic Scientist, Forensic Studies, A.A.S.

您将获得刑事调查和法医学领域的广泛背景. 法医科学家计划为学生提供了一个机会,获得应用科学副学士学位的法医学研究,然后在另一所学院或大学攻读法医学学士学位.


Juvenile Justice, A.A.S.

You’ll gain the skills needed to assess, 在少年和成人刑事司法系统中治疗和管理儿童和青少年罪犯. 你将学习儿童和成人在法律代表和法律保护方面的法律和治疗区别, due process, custody, sentencing, residential placements, education and more. 你现在就可以开始你的职业生涯,或者转学到四年制大学.


Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, A.A.S.

你会学到警察行动、反恐、刑法等等. 这个多功能和灵活的学位为刑事司法领域的入门级职位提供了基本的理论和技术技能,并帮助在职警察推进他们的职业生涯.


Police Academy, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, A.A.S.

你将选择广泛的通识教育要求, 同时也完成了入门级的培养目标, excluding firearms training, mandated by the Maryland Police Training Commission. 在注册之前,您必须与项目协调员会面以获得建议和资格批准. Please call 410-777-7063 or email Ms. Drema Marks at


Social Justice, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, A.A.S.

您将发展解决和结束在刑事司法中发生的不公正所需要的分析和组织能力, juvenile justice or environmental systems. 你将学习如何帮助贫困社区,设计系统和基础设施,以提高他们的生活质量. 您还将获得纠正对人民和社区产生负面影响的政府结构或公司运营的技能. By the time you earn your degree, 你将为现在开始改变世界或转到四年制学院或大学做好充分准备.


Credit Certificates

以下证书为学生就业做准备,并为A提供帮助.A.S. degree, if desired.


您将获得有关网络犯罪预防的深入知识, criminal investigation and evidentiary presentation. 你将为进入职场或承担更多责任和升职做好充分准备.


Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

你将发展在刑事司法领域工作的技能, with the ability to specialize in police administration, law enforcement and corrections or juvenile services. You’ll be ready to launch your career or advance it. 你也可以在白天或晚上的全日制或兼职的基础上继续你的学习.


Police Academy, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

You’ll complete the entrance-level training objectives, excluding firearms training, mandated by the Maryland Police Training Commission. 在注册之前,您必须与项目协调员会面以获得建议和资格批准. Please call 410-777-7063 or email Ms. Drema Marks at


Interested in Transfer?

如果你有兴趣获得四年制学位,并想学习这门学科, Transfer Studies may be your solution. 这个独特的学位旨在让你选择一个专注的领域(或专业)。, 同时完成马里兰州的通识教育要求.

Transfer Studies, A.A.

The Transfer Studies, A.A. 允许你探索不同的科目或专注于一个特定的课程计划,这将最好地满足你的州内(甚至一些州外)转学目标. If you hope to transfer to a specific program or school, 我们的顾问之一可以帮助你专门为这个目的组织AACC学习. The result? 你会得到一个全面的副学士学位,为你进一步的学习和成功的职业生涯做准备. 

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Our respected and well-known Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute 能让你为将来的职业生涯做好准备吗. Many of our students pursue positions in:

  • Law enforcement
  • Corrections
  • Intelligence analysis
  • Emergency response
  • Policy analysis
  • Law
  • Juvenile justice

AACC与马里兰州及其他地区的数十所顶尖学院和大学签订了为期四年的转学协议, a degree has never been a better investment. For outlook information about specific careers, visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (sponsored by the Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Related Studies

如果我们的执法和刑事司法项目听起来有吸引力, but you’d like to compare it to other offerings, see if this area of study is a better fit.


Cybersecurity Grant

The Cyber GR&C Grant offers up to $5,000 in tuition for veterans and first responders who want to begin their career in cybersecurity. 

Learn how to apply.